Current Address

Project Manager in the Semiconductor Technologies Research Laboratory (YITAL), TÜBİTAK BİLGEM, Kocaeli, Türkiye

Contact Information

Call: +90 (0262) 675 26 81


Dr. Dilek Alımlı

Ph.D. Alumni

Gebze Technical University, Department of Chemistry, Gebze, Kocaeli

Dilek Alimli is a researcher in the Semiconductor Technologies Research Laboratory (YITAL) at TUBITAK BILGEM. She obtained her B.Sc. (2013) and M.Sc. (2015) degrees in Chemistry from Yıldız Technical University. She worked as a project assistant in the Materials Institute at TUBITAK MAM on the synthesischaracterization, and thin film devices of solution processable organic light emitting diodes under Prof. Hakan Usta’s supervision. She obtained her Ph.D. degree (2020) from Gebze Technical University, where she worked on the creation of innovative molecular and polymeric-conjugated materials and their applications in organic electronic devices under the guidance of Professor Hakan Usta. She joined YITAL in 2018 as an integrated production engineer and is now working as a project manager.


  1. 2020

    Ph.D. in Chemistry (UstaLab)

    Gebze Technical University, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
  2. 2015

    M.Sc. in Chemistry

    Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey
  3. 2013

    B.Sc. in Chemistry

    Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey